Profile Info

Profile Info

Add a Signature

By default, Checkbook uses your name to sign the payments that you originate. But if you would like, you may also add a personalized signature to your payments.


Signature required

If you would like to send payments greater than $2000 or, you will need to add your signature.

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In order to add a signature, draw your signature with your mouse or touchpad and then click Save. You may also use your smartphone to upload your signature.

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After you finish editing, the defined signature is visible and will appear on all payments you send.

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Multi Party Payments

Multi Party Payments are not enabled by default. If you enable this option, you will be able to send checks to multiple recipients for endorsement.

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Payment Limits

The default limit for sending or requesting a digital payment is $2000.00 per transaction, $2,000.00 per every 24 hours and a $15,000.00 per month limit, for both individuals and businesses.

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If you need any of these limits increased, you can click on Request Limit Increase and fill out the form with the required limits:

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2-Step Verification

Your password protects your account, but you may also add a second layer of protection by using 2-Step Verification:

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You may use one of these 2 methods: Text message, which allows to receive a security code by text; or Authenticator app, which shows a code on your phone for you to enter when you sign in.

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For the Authenticator app option, scan the QR code with your phone, open the authenticator app and enter the code displayed in the app:

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For the Text message option, type in your phone number and enter the 6-digit verification you you'll receive on your phone:

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